They can't possibly be cold...

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 20, 2006
Ok, my red devil cichlids don't seem to want to be anywhere except right beside the water heater in the tank. This baffles me since the tank temperature is between 80 and 82 most of the time with minimal fluctuation. Is it possible that these fish prefer a warmer water temp? I've had other fish ni the past do the same thing. They like the warmth from the heater. I just find that as odd since it's my understanding that most tropical fish will be comfortable in 80 degree temps, and if anything, that's too warm for some. What gives?
A couple of other possible reasons:

-they might be interested by the noise/vibrations when the heater is on

-it might be a low flow area in the tank

-there might be a food source you don't know about (ie algae/diatoms/snails) growing on/near the heater

I think the first 2 might be correct, as the temp of your tank (if correct) is warm enough. Watch the rest of your fish in the tank when in other areas and see if they are constantly swimming to stay in place. I know when I have my powerhead on along with my HOB the fish will cluster in a couple spots if they aren't exploring, and I've noticed its because there is less current in those spots so they don't have to fight to stay in place.
i know my gouramis when i first put them in would stay on the heater side of the tank. but now my kuhli loaches are always by the heater, doing some stuipd mating ritual everynight swimming around it, worshiping it, i dunno
It may be the water flow thing. I never would have thought of that. The filter is on the other end of the heater, so that makes a lot of sense.

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