Thinning fins a sign of something?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 26, 2016
Manitoba, CA
Hi, I'm totally new to using forums I usually just do extensive google searching to find answers but this one stumps me.

I've had this female dalmatian molly for 2 1/2 yrs from the store. It's quite the bully. It's also very resilient and has survived two unfortunate bouts of ich. Long story short, clown pleco from store brings ich to tank, no meds on hand so treated with salt/heat/water changes, pleco dies, white molly gets fin rot from stress of ich, tank clears up, white molly dies, dalmatian still swimming.

Now to the point, I know dalmatians turn more black with age and mine has completely changed, but I'm noticing the tail fin is more see-through lately. She's acting totally fine and eating. It doesn't look like fin rot since it's in the middle of the fin. The rays are still black and the edge is smooth. I really can't tell if the fin is gone between some rays or just turning clear. The tail was never turned completely black but it definitely wasn't like this. Any thoughts? Maybe just an age thing? Or type of fin rot? Also I've noticed the overall blackness of her scales over the past few months is dull or foggy.

18 gal tank with ammonia always 0 from what I can tell and ph is always blue which if I remember is 7.6.

Sorry if the pic doesn't work.


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To me, the tail just looks like the normal fin coloration of a dalmatian molly. Hard to tell with just a pic, but I wouldn't worry about it overly much unless you start to see obvious spaces between the rays.
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