Tiger barbs and neons together???

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 30, 2012
New Zealand
I have 9 tiger barbs (2 gold, 1 green, 6 normal)
Will they be alright in a plants tank with 10 neon tetras , it will be semi planted but once my plants become established it will be heavily planted.
Plenty of room then. You should be ok but keep an eye on things the first couple weeks. Look for signs of fin nipping and stress in general.

Make sure you feed the barbs just prior to introducing the tetras and leave the lights off for a least 3-4 hours afterwards. This will help keep everybody mellow while they get to know each other.
Sweet I just aquascaped there tank , I used my plants from my neon tank to create some hiding spots if they ever need it. Tank is filling now will put up some pics
Here is a pic of the tank it takes a while to fill


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Here is the tank fully set up alot of the gear at the back of the tank will be moved to the sump shortly. The fish seem to be getting along fine. At first the tiger barbs chased the neons but now they have stop and at times are swimming with each other
Sorry forgot to ad photos


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