Tiger Barbs...loosing color...but then comes back???

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 1, 2003
The past two days we have not been home our regular hours. When we get home which has been late, and the tank light has been off all day so I turn it on to say hi and check out everyone. Well yesterday my betta and a few of my tiger barbs were white, and just hanging out....not being their normal hyper self. They were not spotted white, but like white washed in bleach orsomething like that...and not sick acting, just not being active. The tiger barbs were white all over and the betta was white just underneath his belly. Of course I started freaking out and did an immediate water change even though all water parameters were perfectly fine. Before I even got all of the hoses and buckets out, all fish had their color back. My husband laughed at me and said they were just sleeping. But then again tonight they did they same thing. Well the betta was not white, just a few of the tiger barbs. And again within a few minutes of turning the light on they are back to normal. What bothers me is that I have never noticed this before. Is something new going on, or have I simply just not payed attention before now?
Fish do change color based on their mood. If you just changed habits with turning the lights on, then I'd guess that they were resting and at first didn't expect to see you. I used to have an Angle fish years ago that would lighten and darken all the time. As soon as the hood door was opened, her colors would turn really dark as she was excited to get her food. At night, right before bed time when she was resting behind some plants, she'd blush and look really pale.

If your water levels are fine, I wouldn't worry too much. If it makes you feel better, then keep close watch to make sure they don't show any signs of stress or illness.
It is normal for fish to lose color when the lights are out. As long as the color returns to normal after the lights are on, no problem.
My husband laughed at me and said they were just sleeping.

Your husband, and the others above, were correct.

Your fish will be happier with a normal light routine, which can easily be accomplished with a timer you can get at the local hardware/lighting shop.
Yeas, my flying foxes go completely white as do the gouramis, at night. It can also be a sign of stress but if everything is good water quality and health wise then don't worry.
My serpaes do the same thing. When I get home late and turn on the tank light, they are a ghostly pale-peach. During the day, or when the light has been on for awhile, they are a vibrant orange-red.

My recent experience with my Q-tank suggests that the fish can become 'depressed' if they do not have adequate lighting. Once I got a tank light, my Q-tank inhabitants had better appetites and were more active.

Both tanks have lighting that is controlled by a timer while I'm at work - on at 9AM, off at 6PM.
Its natual for your fish to be pale or even whitish when you turn on the lights after they have been off for a long period of time. When its dark for a long period of time the fish tend to slow down and relax thinking its bed time. When you come home and "click" the light on..... just think of a deer caught in the headlights!!! They are startled and have to readjust themselves to the light. I would not recommend however comming home at night after the lights have been out for a long period of time and turning them on. Just turn on a light somewhere in the room that gives you enough light to look at your fish, this way you are not startling them which can be stressful. Fish can go a few days without food so if you have missed a feeding don't worry they will be fine, chances are that they would not be hungry anyway if they were resting.
I come home from work late every night (after midnight usually) and in order to see I turn on a lamp in my room which is also where my tank is set up. My Tiger Barbs crack me up because they are all sleeping when I get home and even though the lamp light is on they don't wake up and they just sit there sleeping with their eyes open. My Rosy Barbs, however, wake up to greet me because they know that when the food monster comes in at night, that's when the food for the shark, pleco and loaches gets dropped in and they help themselves to a little of it at night as a middle of the night snack I guess. And they all pretty much look like the color is washed out of them.
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