Tiger barbs. Only the strong survive?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 10, 2005
Hey all, been noticing something strange with my few batches of Tiger barbs the past couple of months and maybe you could give me some incite.

Has anyone heard or seen or had experience with Green Tiger barbs being less hardy then regular striped tiger barbs? Those damn fish are nearly $5 a pop and when one dies, I get a little aggrevated because my strip ones are doing just fine. I do a major cleaning of vacumming and water change of 50% once a month, replace my Top Fin ammonia/charcoal bag each month and water conditions stay well within limits. Is this a result of cross breeding and week species or what?

Also, WTF is up with tiger barbs attitude? I kid you not, I had a 2.5 pleco in my tank and the next morning, it is COMPLETELY gone! Im talking ripped apart the entire tank, moved the tank to see if he jumped out, dug up gravel, turned decorations upside down and he is GONE! And im the only one in his apartment. Can tiger barbs strip clean a freaking Pleco like that?

Same tiger barbs a few months later, had a rubberlipped pleco for about 4 weeks and then one morning...gone...all that was left was some scales and fins remnants? HOly crap? Barbs eating my freaking second pleco?

Even scarier, I noticed that few of my tiger barbs are smaller and don't have prounounced bellies like the other do. They struggle to try to get food either freeze dried or pellet before the other bigger ones do. I've seen them basically get so weak that the next morning, their bodies are torn apart and all but eaten?

Holy crap, am I dealing with freaking mini piranha's here or have I got batch of mean Tiger barbs? I know have 12 barbs, 1 pleco and 1 Red tailed shark in my 29gallon, and so far... so good. The pleco is nearly 3" and he doesn't take any crap from the barbs so he seems good. The shark loves to piss the barbs off so he's got balls butI have 2 small barbs that are struggling to keep up still and looking very skimpy and hungry. Arrrrgg!!

I managed to catch one last night *after a long fight* and examined it out of the water for a few seconds. Its slime coat was still good, no missing scales or bulging, no ich or fungas that I could see anywhere and all fins were in good shape.

Any idea's what the freak is going on here?
A few things could be going on-

Is your tank completly cycled? If not, it is possible that your fish are dying due to ammonia poisoning and your barbs are eating the bodies

If you are buying your green tiger barbs from the same place, they could be sick at the time of purchase... and nothing you could do could have stopped them from dying
Tank has been cycled for over 8 months, so I hightly doubt that. Ammonia has been kept well under control.

I have purched twice Green barbs from Petsmart that had damn ich already on them now that I recall.....grrrr :evil:
I just got some barbs myself, then all of a sudden, ick. Was on the green tiger barb. I bumped the temp up to 89 degrees. The bala is clear now, just waiting on the green tiger barb and the yoyo loach, which is covered.

I've never seen tiger barbs eat other fish like that. Mine are all really mellow, and beg for food every time I come near the tank. And they seem to be handling the heat pretty well as well.

Another thing, what is your nitrates level? Doing a PWC monthly would lead me to believe you probably have real high nitrates. Test for nitrates with a liquid test kit, and if it is high, need to do lots of 50% PWC's til you get it down. Then 25% PWC's weekly is recommended. I'm betting the green tiger barbs are probably being affected by high nitrates if the tank is truely cycled, which it should be after 8 months.
I have had barbs on two separate occasions and I have had similar problems with them.

I have had problems with keeping green and tigers together. It is my opinion that you have to keep similar amounts 6 green/6 tiger.

They do have a pecking order and they regularly fight. It is also my opinion that only the strong survive. I have watched on many occasions when they systematically kill a particular member of there group. Its there nature. I believe that when 1 makes a challenge at the leader of the group and fails the others sometimes kill him (but maybe I'm just nuts) :D

In short if you like barbs be prepared to lose a few at the start and any time you intro new barb stock.

Best of luck.
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