Tiger barbs

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 31, 2004
Hello! I was wondering if the general 1gal=1inch of fish rules apply to a mini Tiger barb... I already have 12 of these but I would like to have around 24. with 2 rosey barbs and maby a Beta if (but i need to check on agressive issues). These are the mini ones iam talking about, not the larger sized tiger betas. So to recap...

30 Gallon Tank
2 regular Rose Barbs
24 mini tiger barbs
1 beta

Would this be too over crowded? Thx guys
From what I have heard the 1 inch per gallon rule doesn't work. Also I know who ever is going to help you is going to ask your aquarium size.
I would prolly keep a school of 8 or so and leave out the betta. I believe you will have issues there. The tiger's get to be around 3". A couple small bottom feeders would be nice also, imho.
Bettas actually can go great in community tanks... you just have to watch him for a while if you decide to try it. If he's too aggressive, simply put him in a betta bowl. I have one in my butterfly cichlid tank, and I did have one in the livebearer tank (until he got too close to the filter intake). One of my friends keeps his betta with his cherry barbs.

Just a few thoughts for you to think on! :wink: HTH!
The inch per gallon rule doesn't work very well, and here is why. All fish are different, some are long and some are wide, some create more waste, etc. If you put 40 1" neon tetras in a 30 gallon, it would probably be fine. But just try putting a 10" Oscar in a 30 gallon, the people here would scream at you!

You have to decide how to stock a tank based on the fish. I'm not sure whether or not that tank would be overstocked like that, but I do know that I would not be worried about the betta being aggressive in that tank. I would worry about him getting chewed to pieces. Tiger Barbs can be nasty fin nippers, and even though putting them in groups might stop them to a point, a betta's long flowing fins would probably be too hard to resist.

I'd keep the betta out of there, personally. The rosy barbs should be fine.

I would be more concerned about your tiger barbs. You happend to pick the most aggressive barb and if not kept in a decent school, you will end up with a lot of nipping from them.

And from my personal experience with Betta's in a community tank, is they tend to get stressed when surrounded by a lot of fast moving fish and strong water flow.
That's what I meant. Tiger barbs are notorious fin nippers. When they are kept in large groups, this tendency is reduced though, but I think there still might be problems.
lol ok cool. I think ill buy one and set up a little 10 gallon then. I think they look too cool. Thx guys
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