Tiger Barbs...

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 24, 2005
Wenatchee, WA
My tiger barbs are doing something quite interesting. They are racing back and forth across the tank, and 3 or 4 would get together, side-by-side, rubbing each other, then race across the tank again. It's very repetative. they would also try to go under a low branch on the driftwood 3 at the same time, forcing their way through, kicking up pool filter sand behind them. Is this possibly the way they mate? Should I be looking for eggs soon?
Sure sounds like barb mating behavior to me. Is there anything in your tank that is not trying to reproduce? :)
sounds liek it to me too, the males are chasing the females in a game of " courting " lol I think its comical to watch lol
Hey my Tiger Barbs are doing the same thing except two of them have paired off and they appear to be touching each others lips almost as if their kissing and rubbing against each other. I don't know what I will do because I absolutely love my barbs and I have never had baby fish and I would want to keep alive. One also appears to be much plumper than the other 5.
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