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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 16, 2011
queens NY
I have a 10G tank with 2 platys in it, could I put about five young tiger barbs in it??
I have a 10G tank with 2 platys in it, could I put about five young tiger barbs in it??

It's best not to ... Tiger Barbs are very active and will need a lot of swimming room. For Tiger Barbs a 29 gal should be the ideal minimum.
Maybe temporarily, but not in the long-run IMO. They're active fish and need lots of swim room.

It's best not to ... Tiger Barbs are very active and will need a lot of swimming room. For Tiger Barbs a 29 gal should be the ideal minimum.

Agreed. 10 Gallons is just very tiny for all these little fish. I would recommend jumping to a 29+ as well. This will help give them room, better filtration, and even room for a few more little guys.
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