Time to stop stocking?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 18, 2012
Michigan, USA
I did a total breakdown of my 80-gallon bowfront tank about six months ago, upgraded the filtration, and started re-stocking. I've slowly added more fish, but I think I'm likely approaching a stopping point.

Here's the breakdown:

- 80 gal tank w/ 2 Penn-Plax Cascade 200s and 1 Aquaclear 50 (total of 570gph)

- 5 Angels (quarter to half dollar sized)
- 6 Skirt Tetras
- 5 Cardinal Tetras
- 4 Platys
- 3 Rosy Barbs
- 1 Blue Gourami
- 1 Opaline Gourami
- 1 Honey Gourami
- 1 Bristlenose Pleco

Ammonio & nitrites are at zero and tank is well cycled. The only possible additions I'm looking to make are more Cardinals or another school of small tetras (I know the angels may turn them into snacks someday). The tank still doesn't feel "full", but I realize the angels will (and are) get significantly larger. Opinions?
I would add to your school of cardinals and then i think your good! I agree that the tetras COULD be food eventually, but that will be in a long time! Haha
Well, IMO you could keep your schools a bit. You have a few territorial fish in there right now, so I don't suggest adding anything else like that right now. They any not all get along in the long run anyway, but you will know that in time. But I do think it would be ok to get some more of the barbs, cards, and skirts. Upping your school of skirt tetras to 8 might help them not develop any nippiness.
Tankmates get along surprisingly well. The Opaline chases the a Blue Gourami and the skirts nip each other a bit. No serious aggression with anyone though.

I'm actually not a huge fan of the Skirts, so I won't be adding any.
Thats fine. As long as yours aren't being nippy. People have mixed results with skirts and long-finned tankmates. But if its working for you, no reason to push it.
Its good that they get along. There are no guarantees though when the angels grow up. Sometimes they get along famously, sometimes they turn evil. You have a big tank, so hopefully it works out. I will honestly be surprised though if all 5 angels plus the gouramis stay at peace when the angels are grown. But, thats in the future.
I think more cards would be totally fine. Typically angels and cards are fine because of the adult size of the cards. Would you get a few more rosy barbs? I think another school might just clutter it with color, but one could possibly work. Anything in mind?
I do like the Rosys and really should get more. I love the color the Cards bring, but have also been thinking about a school of Glowlights, Black Neons, or maybe Rummys.

As you might be able to tell, I didn't have much of a gameplan when I started stocking.
If I were you, I would wait and see how your other fish get along before adding another school. Are you hoping for all the fish to get along, or are you planning to re-home some?
before adding more tetras, id add more barbs as they like other schoolers should be in groups of 5 or more too

what about when the angels pair off

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