Tip for effective breeding?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 7, 2003
I have a lot of guppies and swordtails just for breeding. I only have them for fun and to give as food for my ciclids.

I get new fishbabies all the time. I wonder if anyone has any good tips for breeding? To get more kids. Lots and lots of them. My ciclids love them!
Add lots of females, maybe 6 females to 1 male (depending on tank size). If you want to be self contained and not go to the LFS for feeders get a large tank. I had a 55 gal setup for guppy breeding when I had africans.
Also Add lots of hiding places for the new fry this will increase the survival rate.
Livebearers also like some aquarium salt in their water. That should help them be more comfortable and breed like crazy!
Keep the aquarium temperature around 78 to 80 degrees (don't ever go over 82). High temperature promotes good growth in fry but they live shorter lives (since you are raising feeders it doesn't matter), conversely 76 degrees keeps growth slow but they live longer.

The male is very important - whenever I needed one male (I was into platy breeding at one time) I used to watch the fish tank (at the store) for a long time and look for the most "active" male :wink: This should also be a little large if possible.

Java moss is great for fry to hide in. Also, avoid any strong chemicals (I dont include water conditioners) like Waste Control or Cycle in a fry tank. They are not equipped to handle them yet.
I'll second Decas' advice regarding Java moss. Excellent shelter for fry, as well as a source of food (tiny microorganisms collect on the "leaves").

I've also found that high water quality often leads to prolific breeding. That's another good reason to keep up with the water changes! :D
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