too hot to handle

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 22, 2009
Sacaramento, California
Hello there to all ,

I am newer than new at this with saltwater reef aquariums
I took over a 120 gal. saltwater reef aquarium so learning is all that i intend to do for a while. In my short experiences I have come to learn
that I need to look for a very good chiller for my SWRA to keep the water tempature down from about 85 down to about 78 or 80. any good information any one might have about where or what kind of good one to get a hold of. Please let me know I need to find some desperate info
with much thanks of course.

Welcome to AA!

Wow, 85? that is running quite warm. What type of lighting and how much is on the 120 tank? Consider running a fan accross it (or the sump if you have that) to help bring the temp down for now while you figure out a long-term solution. Any fan will do.
Is the temp issue a California thing, or do you have hot lights, a hood on the tank, or a bunch of motors running from lots of pumps in the tank.

Welcome to AA by the way! :)
welcome here..yes 85 deg frht is a little bit you use protein skimmer?what's your sp gravity?1.4?
more information about my problem

I currently have a 120 G. SWRA all glass aquarium one of those kind with a wooden canopy on it. It runs on a Coralife Turbo 1090 GPH. It also has a Aqua Ultraviolet 25Watt UV Sterilizer. Two Metal Halide 250 watt lamps from Hamiltion Tech Corp. A Euro Reef protien skimmer with two other flouresent lights 110 watt tinic blue lights. I have a pretty big sump tank under in the cabinet.

with two small exhaust fans but as of last bit of info installed just regular
fan on top and seems to keep the temp down to about 80's so far.

Once agian many thanks to all

Feeling much knowlege comming my way.
Welcome, I know very little about SWRA and even less about chillers, but I've heard about DIY ones that are a lot cheaper, made from little bar fridges, plus nothing is better than a cold beer whilst watching your fish. Something to check out ;)
I did two fans set on a timer for when the MH lights come on mounted inside my canopy. That helped me reduce temp by 3 degrees. But I was only using 3 150w MH lights under my canopy. My temp was 81 and OK there for my fish and coral. A chiller would be my last resort.
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