Too many fish... aquarium help needed desperately.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 2, 2004
Which would be the best arrangement: three female and one male betta in a five gallon or four feeder goldfish in a five gallon? All of them are currently in a in ten gallon with four mollies. Too many fish. So, if my bettas go in the five gallon, there will be four goldfish and four mollies in the ten gallon. And vice-versa if the goldfish go in the five gallon.
Definitely the bettas in the 5g, although you will need to buy seperators.

On a separate note, Goldies need 10g each, even feeders, who can top out at a foot long or more if well taken care of.
I'd say it more strongly: neither!

Keep only one male betta in a 5g, that's all. Goldfishes need at least 10g, and they are *not* tropical water fishes, thus they do need only ~70 deg F, while all the other do need tropical water. Mollies are furthermore brackish water fishes, and should not be together with your fishes.
The Goldfish need to be in a species only tank. I would only put one Betta in the 5G tank. You need to get some bigger tanks or take some of the fish back to your LFS.
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