Too much ammonia

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 7, 2010
Ugh... I just want to kick myself - I misread the directions for fishless cycling and added 3 tablespoons instead of teaspoons to my 20 gal tank. My ammonia is now off the charts - I feel stupid... what should I do? Major water exchange? How much?
like mfdrookie said, keep doing water changes until you get your ammonia to a reasonable level
Thanks guys... I have done two 50% water changes and am going back in for a third!!:rolleyes:
I agree with jsoong that in theory, a 75% pwc should drop down the ammonia to 4ppm.... but im almost positive that even 3 teaspoons is entirely too much for your tank. I used exactly half a capful of ace hardwares ammonia to get 4ppm in my 55g... thats nowhere near 3tsp and the tank is over twice as big
Whew... ok - after three 50% changes, I finally just took as much water out of the tank as I could (probably got 95% out) and started over. I filled the tank back up and am now at about 1.5ppm. This is a 20 gallon tank and I am now scared :D to add more ammonia! LOL. So how much do you think? I have a syringe, so could dose pretty small amount.

Also, I have some Prime - should I add this to the water again (I had done this when I first filled the aquarium last weekend). If so, should I add it before or after the ammonia or does it matter?
you need to add prime... chlorine kills bacteria, and well, thats kinda what we're shootin for here. Just add tiny amounts and test 30 minutes later until you're up around 3-4ppm...
THANKS!! I think I've got it - It's time for bed, so I'll add the Prime tonight, let things sit overnight and begin adding small amounts of ammonia in the morning. I'm working from home tomorrow, so will have time to play with the aquarium too ;)
Just go to sleep & don't worry too much. You are doing fishless cycling, mistakes can set you back a few days, but nothing disastrous.

A quick estimate of ammonia needed:
Ace ammonia = 10% (substitute the appropriate % for your ammonia.)
10% = 10 g% = 10 g per 100 ml = 0.1g per ml = 100 mg per ml

4ppm = 4 mg per l
Your tank = 20 gal = ~80 l
4 ppm in your tank = 4x80 = 320 mg

Therefore, to dose 4ppm into your tank, add 3.2 ml of 10% ammonia. That should be fairly close. Check with your test kit after dosing to make any final adjustment.
jsoong - you're awesome - thanks!!! I will get started this am and get testing!!
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