Top 3 Mosses for Moss Trees???

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Apr 4, 2012
Northern Colorado, USA
Name them please, in order of your favorite first.

Willow, Christmas, Weeping, Star, Taiwan, others...?

Please note if you actually grow it and if you have any "trees" Pics?

Low tech and med-low light.

After your top three please add any additional info like pros/cons, ease of care, growth, etc! Thank you!!!
I only grow Fissidens Fontanus which IMO is one of the most beautiful mosses. The leaves look like individual little fern fronds. It grows like crazy in my tank and found it to really take off when I upped my daily dose of liquid carbon. Here's a picture of my DW with it... Aquarium Advice - Aquarium Forum Community - Rivercats's Album: 220g 12-1-2012 - Picture

Here's a close up of it off the net... Google Image Result for
Fontanus very good form!

That is one I haven't found for sale and they look like little branches with leaves.

Let me know if you have any for sale or if you know a reputable supplier. It is hard to find mosses for sale, they are listed but frequently all out of stock.

My 2 new dw are pretty big.... I agree the fontanus has a really nice form, which in the case of my DW will look like pretty big tree trunks so the branch leafy effect would be ideal.
I already told 3 people I'd send them some Pogostemon helferi when the spring temps go up as I know that plant doesn't handle cold temps at all. So put a note on my profile comments that you'd like some Fissidens Fontanus and I can get you some sent when I send out thier plants. I always have extra since my angles pull off chunks while nibbling. I just keep them in a little breeder box with the extra P helferi I'm collecting.
They all have their purposes. It's kind of like asking what the top 5 cars are; you can't necessarily recommend one without knowing what you want to do with it.
Chem- This request is two-fold one to see which kind and why they are favorites and also interested in seeing if I can get enough of a desirable type to make trees with it.

Presently have a small column of Flame Moss, and several bunches of Java Moss. I have to order or buy online it seems, some moss to try and make trees with 1-3 pieces of my dw.

1 dw is 2.5'x appx. 1.5' and one is 18"x18" the last one is a gnarled root stump with a few sticks sticking out 12"x10" a couple of the twigs stick out a little more.

The hope is for the big dw for my 72G bowfront, to have tree tops made of moss. The trunk pieces of wood are fairly thick towards the base and narrowing some but still a few trunks are sawed off.

The tank will run at around 79F right now, maybe in the future some Discus so that would be higher temps. Low tech for now.
I thought your question was as clear as could be. I'm following the thread because I have some branch wood that I ordered just for making moss trees and I'm curious about peoples opinions as well. I haven't seen pictures of people with them on the site so it may be rare to get a response from someone who has one in their tank. Still, my daughter wants a "tree" in her tank so this is useful.
Haven't seen "trees" here either, But I would love to create a forest.

To make it pretty fast I could use a clump of Java moss lol but I really am looking for a long term solution. :brows:

I have been stalled on setting this tank up for two months, going into a new space that wasn't ready till now! So pretty excited to get it up, even if I can't make trees this moment.

My lfs who doesn't carry moss will order it for me if I take all or almost all of the min. order. I can't find out how much it will cost until I know what I should get.

Fish says, "I am waiting for my new home and my new aqua forest to roam around in..."
You know, this is a more wacky suggestion, but, on the branches of the dw you could spear marimo moss balls. It would give it a Dr. Seuss - like appearance.........just an out there suggestion I wanted to throw in :p
You know, this is a more wacky suggestion, but, on the branches of the dw you could spear marimo moss balls. It would give it a Dr. Seuss - like effect.....just an out - there suggestion I wanted to give :p

:lol: That is pretty out there but interesting... It would look really fun I think, it might work for my small dw but I would have to use huge moss balls for the others. My big shrimp tank has a broken 4" Marimo moss ball. I have a bunch of tiny ones .50-1" I am trying to grow up. Hummmmm...
I think you would end up with a "poodle" tree... :brows: Although the idea is kind of intriguing.
Rivercats said:
I think you would end up with a "poodle" tree... :brows: Although the idea is kind of intriguing.

It could kind of look like an English garden if done that way. How unique is that!
It could kind of look like an English garden if done that way. How unique is that!

So possibilities are wacky like Dr. Suess, then, Poodle or English Garden... I love you guys, this is how we see the same thing so differently!

I want to try it just for fun, but it is really cold outside where the small driftwood has been for the last 3-4 months in a bucket and I bet the water is partially frozen on top! If I put it in my tank it would chill the water too much.

Going out to check! lol
Bring the bucket in and sit it out of the way or in the basement overnight then you can play build the crazy tree and of course post pic's of it!
I only grow Fissidens Fontanus which IMO is one of the most beautiful mosses. The leaves look like individual little fern fronds. It grows like crazy in my tank and found it to really take off when I upped my daily dose of liquid carbon. Here's a picture of my DW with it... Aquarium Advice - Aquarium Forum Community - Rivercats's Album: 220g 12-1-2012 - Picture

Here's a close up of it off the net... Google Image Result for

Hi Rivercats, I would love to be put on your list when time comes for selling your cuttings of your Fiss Font!!

I threw it into the sink and ran water over it. It is a large root ball chunk so it is pretty frozen through.

Pinheiro Manso
by Filipe Oliveira

It shows him using Java Moss, so it says... very cool! Not the poodle one though the real tree kind.
I only have some of the Java I picked up well over 10 years ago. Guess when the wood comes in I'll give that a shot until after winter. I think flame moss would be my preference.
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