Total tank restart.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 5, 2017
Hi new here and kinda new to keeping fish. Long story short i bought a house it had 2 tanks 28 and 38gal i decided to keep them and they have been thriving for months now. I do fairly consistant weekly 25% changes. Well i get home from work and notice the 38 gal tank is so cloudy i cant see my fish.. After alittle invesigating i find 3 choclate bars and a whole big thing of fish food and alittlw dog food.. My 3 year old wanted to feed them... [emoji27].. Regardless i removed all of my fish and put them in the now fry tank 28gal and totaly emptied the big tank and rinsed all the gravel as it was just not coming clean any other way. Rinsed the tank out and cleaned the filter replaced media. And filled agian. I used Jungle Start Right, Aqueon Water Conditioner and aquarium salt and let the tank run for about 15 hours before adding back in my biggest mollies (4) and did a water test that seems OK not great to me.. HIGH PH 8-8.2 ppm
PH 7.6 maybe more.. Seemed alittle darker than sheet
AMONIA .50-1 ppm
NITRaTE 5-10 ppm

The 4 fish that i have put back seem to be ok maybe alittle distant from each other but they did just come from a smaller tank with WAY to many fish in it At the moment.

I have been able to maintane a cycled tank very well BUT have never started a new tank. What should i be looking for? Did i do everything as i should have? Should i do something else?
Can i take the media from my fry tank and put it in my other filter? Would that jump start a cycle or? Thanks in advance and sorry for such a long post shooting to gi e as much info as possible!!
I geuss i could add the current filter i am using for the tank is a Marienland Penguin 200 without the bio wheel. Two air pumps one for bubble wall and one for a house thing lol. I keep this tank about 75 and the media for the [emoji210] 150 (28gal) and the [emoji210] 200 are the same so i could use the other media without an issue if that would help!
It would jumpstart your cycle by adding aged filter media into the filter. For the next few weeks, feed carefully and sparingly. Do small, 20% WC's every 2 or 3 days for a couple of weeks. Things should level out by then.
My 2 yr. Old feed fish too. That's always fun. My angelfish were bloated for 2 days. Gave them boiled skinless pea's. Kids...! But yeah, could use the other filter for a faster cycling Or just test the water daily when ever levels are getting too high, just do your water changes. Depending on the levels, your water changes will vary. Note: I taped the glass lid down on my tanks, and put food in my closet.
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