Treated For Ich - Since i started loads of white spots have appeared

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 1, 2009
Newcastle - Upon - Tyne
I have the king british ich treatment,
I have treated my tank twice,
Since i started, my fish have more spots than i started with??

Whats going on?
P.S - any advice replied swiftly will be much appreciated x
There is only one stage of white spot that treatments will kill it. there is every chance you are still in the stage where they attach to your fish.

Ich and Cause, Treatment, and Prevention of Ich in Freshwater Fish

That link will help explain the cycle of white spot

I have a loach that gets the odd white spot. A few white "spots" apeared the day after I brought him and I went back to the shop for advice (and some free treatment mainly lol) he suggested they could be what he described as "oxygen bubbles" and to add salt and raise the temp to 29c for 36 hours with the tank light off. I was VERY skeptical and thought I was getting fobbed off, true to his word they went straight away. occasionally I notice a few "white spots" and they go a few days later.

Kind of sad I met this bloke after 2 clown loaches died a month before. I jumped straight in and treated for white spot on noticing a few white spots, and they didn't make it. They aren't keen on the medicine you see.
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