Treating sick fish

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 25, 2004
In case of emergencies (if a fish appears to be ill), I plan to use tap water (instead of the usual RO) to fill my QT, and mix the saltwater for 1 hour instead of the usual 24. I also keep my filter pads from my QT filter seeded with bacteria in my main tank.

I was just wondering if anyone could offer some guidelines as to what to do with a sick fish, going by symptoms etc.

Do most of you keep a good stock of treatments to use in the QT, or do you mostly do freshwater dips/salinity treatments etc.?

I'd just like to be prepared if anything happens, with a bit of knowledge!

If I was to go out and buy some treatments to have in just in case, which would you buy?

What does Cupramine do? When would you choose to use Cupramine, and when would you choose to do a dip?

You use Cupramine for ick and far as the dips, I do not do these and do not know much about them. The cupramine is great, easy to use, and is forgiving. Its not as harsh as other coppers. I did learn if you use it though, get you some of the hang on ammonia readers by Seachem as most ammonia test kits will give you a false reading. (its a little plastic "card" that you hang inside your aquarium and he indicator turns different colors when ammonia is detected.) Also get the Seachem multi test kit for copper.
Second that. Cupramine is a super med. I also keep Maracyn, good antibiotic.
Thanks guys - QS, what does Maracyn do and what would you use it to treat?
Maracyn is a broad spectrum antibiotic. I have used it sucessfully a couple of times (in qt with new fish) to clear up infections. Another med that is well tolerated, in fact I have used it with cupramine.
Cool - so if I were to stock up on some meds, you'd recommend those two?
Well if they are easily found in your area I don't know if I would. maracyn is kinda expensive. I happen to have them because I needed them.
I would keep cupramine at least (it is cheap) when getting new fish.
It's just that if a fish gets ill and I don't have time to go to the shop or it's shut etc., it could be days before I could get it.

I'll get some cupramine definitely - do both Cupramine and Maracyn keep for a long time?

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