tropical fish secrets

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
lol my neighbor's 800 gallon looks better than that.. the 1st pic theres a giant hardwater stain/glare. and the tank doesnt even look that nice. lol. the tiny tanks at petco (here) look better than that. but that me imo.

you could get it and tell us about it :)
This paragragh,
If you are one of those people who go through life believing in "no gain" or that "to have something worthwile you have to work at it really hard"... then this book probably is NOT for you. Having a gorgeous aquarium is... almost no work.
Makes me think it's a bunch of bull. But that could just be me.
Did you read some of the "tips".... :lol:

"How to keep your fish in the tank. (Some fish will jump right out! If your child finds it a few days later ... you'll have some explaining to do!) "

I wonder what he is talking about :?:
i just shot them an email and asked them to go into a little detail about some of their "secrets," otherwise, i told them i was risking alot to gain information i already knew...
Yeah, I think a book like this would be moot to ppl on this site. All those "secrets" are no doubt the snippets of advice that members pass on to each other on a daily advice.

IMO, it's prob. not worth it!
HAHA lots of typo mistakes. they need a better copy writer. wonder this is same with the book. Then maybe he is using notepad.... :D :D :D

** typo mistake

"And feeding them is their job... it's nice for them to take some *responsbility* too, no matter how little it is."

"There’s absolutely nothing like relaxing into your *favorite* chair, gazing into your stunning tropical aquarium and letting your mind take you away. "

" Even if its just for a fleeting moment. You always come back renewed, *rejuvinated* and oh... so... relaxed"

" After a few moments of amazement (while my chest swelled) do you know what *what* came out of his mouth next? I'll bet you can almost guess."

"Along the way I've learned a few things... actually, some very *ingenius*, almost *unkown*, insider secrets... you can use to create your own breathtaking aquarium and I reveal them in my new guide"

"There's nothing more heartbreaking than seeing your kids cry as you flush their *favorite* fish down the toile"

"Don't *beleive me?* Check out your nearest national, big-box, pet outlet."

" Now. What *what* is the pet shop's incentive to make sure you are successful?"
Btw., the 1st pic he need to change water n clean his tank.
2nd pic, looks like more efforts need to put into the coral..
3rd probabily rip off from other's website
4th pic another rip off n bad image enlarging job
5th pic, way too big for home tank maybe from national geographic or public aquarium?

The whole site read like the script for the infomercial...

Just IMHO...
Do not buy this book, all of your questions could be answered on AA, In fact, I'll tell you all his "secrets" for FREE.

What type of aquarium is best for YOU--saltwater or freshwater.
A number of factors are involved. Cost, personal preference, maintainence.

A little-understood secret that will keep the water in your aquarium crystal clear.
Carbon filter media

3 easy steps you need to do every day—that prevent BIG problems down the road.
Check temperature, check fish health, feed the fish.

The number one thing you need to do before you set up your new aquarium.
Cycle your tank?

How to buy the best fish--6 things to look for when stocking your aquarium.
Do your reasearch, dont impulse buy!

How to know exactly how much to feed your fish.
Feed them as much as they will eat in 5 minutes, without letting any food reach the bottom, once or twice a day.

Inside secrets to help you avoid a “cash grab” by pet stores—this point alone can save you upwards of $100.
Buy equipment online or get used tanks. Or just shop around and compare prices.

How to keep your water warm, reduce heat loss and save money, all at the same time.
I dont know what she's talking about here. Cheaping out on a heater is a BAD idea.

Which foods to avoid because of parasites.
Live feeder fish that live in crowded conditions are susceptible to parasites, which are transferred to the fish they feed.

Easy tactics to control water chemistry. You need to know this stuff or your fish could get sick even if your aquarium looks great. But don't panic. You won't need a white lab coat. This isn't your typical high-school chemistry lesson!
Weekly or bi-weekly water changes, dont overstock.

Where NEVER to put your aquarium.
In direct sunlight. In busy hallways. etc.

Fluorescent or incandescent lighting? Learn which is best for your chosen set-up.
Flourescent is better in ever occasion.

When exactly to introduce fish to your NEW tank--if you don’t know this they might not make it.
After its cycled?

How "drip loops" can keep you and your fish from getting fried.
Duh! This one is obvious.

How to keep your fish in the tank. (Some fish will jump right out! If your child finds it a few days later ... you'll have some explaining to do!)
Cover your tank?

A simple strategy for establishing and maintaining a saltwater REEF tank! If you don't know anyone who has attempted to set up a tank like this you have no idea what a nightmare it can be...
Meh, I can't answer this one, no SW experience, I'm sure other AAers could though.

The minimum sized tank you should begin with.
10 Minimum, 20+ is reccomended.

Bigger IS Better … in the fish world … size does matter! Find out what the heck I'm talking about!
Bigger tanks are more forgiving when you mess up, and parameters are much steadier.

What to do if a fish starts to swim on its side.
Post in the "Unhealthy Fish" forum on AA :p

The easiest way to prevent a tidal wave in your living room. Imagine this. Your tank breaks and 30 gallons of water splashes onto the living room floor ruining flooring, furniture, walls, and electronic equipment before seeping down into the basement and wrecking the ceiling, the walls, wiring, insulation … ugh … just do one simple thing to prevent this from EVER happening.
Check your seals, make sure your stand and floor can support your tank. Test new tanks for leaks.

The truth about using a background.
The tank looks nicer?

The 10 essential ingredients for your Fish First Aid Kit. You'll thank me for this one. If you're fish get sick you CAN help them get better. But if you don't have these items on hand ... it may be too late!
Aquarium salt, melafix, and maybe a few of the common antibiotics.

The right kind of thermometer to use. This could prevent a disaster!
Any of the thermometers that go INSIDE the tank. The sticker ones are inaccurate.

The single biggest reason tanks get dirty--and how to avoid it.
Lack of water changes.

3 little-known factors that are essential to plant health -- Somehow your friends just aren't impressed with dead, rotting, stinking plants floating around in your tank. Keeping them healthy is EASY when you know how.
Meet the lighting needs of your plants, use fertilizers, and use substrate designed for plants.
What's wrong with "favorite", Vega?

Though I agree that his "book" should really be edited!
if we got hold of the author's email address we could all email what we think about the book to him, show him that not everyone just hands over money because the add says that they should

plus i think that he'll get a suprise with the amount of emails in his inbox of people that obviously know a lot more than him
This paragragh, Makes me think it's a bunch of bull. But that could just be me.
Seriously! I agree... fish tanks ARE a lot of work!! That's probably just to get someone to buy their product, thinking this book would cut down maintenance.

So, yah, sounds like a rip off to me.

+1 to EndGame
Yep, whenever I see a site like that, I know it's probably a scam. There's tons of sites like that for every topic imaginable. If the book isn't published through a reputable publisher, It's probably false. Also, a search for reviews on that book leads to more scam sites.

I would stay away from any website that takes on that style. Long, single page sites with ridiculous claims trying to sell you something...


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