Trumpet snails?????

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Jan 26, 2013
I have just set up my tank and it day 1 of a fish-less cycle. My tank is a 120L put with water displace holds around 88L. I have sand as my substrate and have just added some plants(not sure if I should of added them just yet) anyway I have been reading and a lot of people have recommended trumpet snails for sand substrate. I am wondering can I add them strait away or do I have to wait for the cycle to finish and how many do I add as these thing multiply like crazy if overfed. All your help would be great.
About 20 plants please don't tell me they need to be removed lol
You might never see your ammo or nitrite go up so its harder to tell if you cycled your tank. I did the same thing you did. I set up my tank. Planted it with 30 thanks, let it run for a few days then added fish and just watched my levels. I never seen my ammo or nitrite go above 0. Tank has been running for 3 inhalf months now
So what you are saying is that the plants are acting as an instant cycle absorbing ammonia but the cycle won't have built up the bacteria. I am planning on leaving it for 6 weeks before adding fish but was wondering if the snails can go in before
Its not hindering the good bac just slowing it down a little. For your question, sbould be fine adding snails. Use some ADA brighty k or step 2 for your plants
I would add the trumpets now. I got mine free from a chain pet store, wouldnt advise paying money for them. I would add about 10, they will multiply.
Just throw in a little food everyday, they will clean it up overnight. They keep my sand spotless. Can use fish food, blanched veggies, tons of options out there.
A couple flakes would be fine, could do half an algae wafer too. Maybe rotate days. New cycling tank wont have any algae for them. They are omnivores and thus need boh proteins and plant based idiet.
PLANT BASED DIET!!!!!!! So these snails will eat my plants the above comment says they won't eat plant
From the articles/threads most aquatic snails only eat plants as a last resort of food. You should be find I don't even think trumpet snails come out of the substrate.
? Ok so I presume they will find there own way to the substrate
I've got bunches of trumpet snails. If you want some, PM me - you pay shipping, you can have snails free :)
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