Trying to decide on new inhabitants

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 30, 2010
Salt Lake City, Utah
I found my koi angel belly-up this morning tangled in the guppy grass I've got growing in one corner of my tank :(. However, I gave him a proper burial at sea and am contemplating new occupants. Thoughts/suggestions?
My tank is a 25 gallon tall with half the tank filled with plant growth. I've got a dense cluster of guppy grass in one corner, a wisteria and a tiger lotus which grow up into the upper water column and together take up about a 3rd of the tank, and some low-level crypts, moss, an anubias and a sword. Current inhabitants include 6 zebra danios, 1 Amano shrimp, 1 Nerite snail, ~12 cherry shrimp, 1-2 ghost shrimp, and an albino pleco. I've got my eye on a tetra school, because the majority of my tank inhabitants are bottom-dwellers. Consideration must be made to keeping the size of any new inhabitants small because I don't want a repeat occurrence. I thought about a breeding pair of swords as well. Any ideas?

Thanks. :D
Or glowlight tetras, rummynose tetra maybe some actual guppies because the breeding pair will over run the tank with fry so maybe get two male swords and some male guppies
cardinals or neons would look good in there... a nice big school of them in a planted tank always looks real nice

and a betta! i'm loving betta's at the mo. I just seen 10 2.5g tanks with UGF on ebay for lest than 30 quid BIN. One in each room........ got to remove the gf first thoughLOL

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