Turtle Tank Help

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Mcg tanks

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 11, 2013
I havea 4 foot 200 litre tank with a eastern long neck turtle in it which is 1 year old. I also have massive pond outback with a murray river shortneck and a larger long neck and I was wondering what should I put in my other spare 4 foot a eastern long neck or murray river shortneck:thanks:
Hi, unfortunately I don't have any experience with turtles, but I'm taking a guess and want to ask if you're also Australian? Just a suggestion that if you don't end up getting a response here to maybe try some local Aussie forums, as the guys on there tend to have a better idea about natives :)

Good luck!
Im not sure what liters equates into gallons, but maybe you should get some map turtles or black knobbed map turtles, they stay really small so you could keep more then one even!!
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