Two more new ones..

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 16, 2004
Lowell MA
Well I went out today looking for a couple German Rams or a couple Boesemani Rainbows. Had no luck with either in the area. Then, the kid at the LFS told me to drive up to petsmart in Salem, NH (they have clean and healthy looking tanks) to get some beautiful rams that he bought up there earlier in the week so I drove about 40 minutes and they were all out!! ERRRRR... Couldn't go home empty handed.

Picked up two BEAUTIFUL rainbows. One is definitely a Boesemani and the other I THINK is a yellow rainbowfish. At the time, the yellow rainbowfish looked like a boesemani because it had almost no coloring but I could still see all the multicolors but after I brought it home, it showed its TRUE colors and I'm almost positive it's a yellow rainbowfish. Needless to say, they both love their new environment very much and are having a GREAT time with all my other fish. Eventually I'm going to pick up 2 more of each specie to throw in there to give them some new buddies.What great fish they are....
I'll post pics of 'em and my gold nugget pleco asap


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