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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 5, 2005
Houston Texas
ummm i just found out there was a certain way to drop corals and fish in to ur tank... i didnt know that i've been doing that for quite awhile i guess thats why my tanks isnt doing good.... :roll:
Most inverts need a slow acclimation. Two methods are common. The drip method which requires airline tubing that you use as a siphon from the main tank to drip water into an acclimation bucket. The other method is to add 1/2 cup of tank water to the acclimation bucket every 4 or 5 minutes.

Both methods should start with temp acclimation by placing the closed bag in the main tank for 15 min. Then you can start the acclimation process that will last about an hour.

Others will have varying opinions about times needed to acclimate but the 1 hr has worked well for fish, shrimp, crabs, snails and corals for me.
the methods listed above are great. Acclimation is very important for several reasons. Most LFS keep SG at a lower level then we do at home. Rapid cahnges in SG, Ph, and temp are very stressfull on the animals.

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