UHHH we have a question about fish laying eggs

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 14, 2004
Greenwood, IN
We have a little ten gallon tank that we have had for almost 2 years.....we noticed this morning what appears to be eggs in the right hand corner of our tank about half way up on the glass...our fish consist of an algea eater, an Angel Fish, 2 Headlight/Tailights, 1 maybe 2 black fin tetra(s) and a Cherry Barb. The Angelfish has been hanging out near these eggs and the rest of the fish are on the other side of the tank. We have had the Angel about 1 1/2years. Are any of these fish assexual? Or have our tetras bred? We can try to get pics if needed. All help is appreciated. If these eggs actually hatch is there anything we need to do special to keep the little fish alive.
No your fish aren't asexual. Have you had any plants added recently. My first instinct says snail eggs. Is is a small clearish sac with very small dots in it?
It could also be fish eggs that aren't fertilized.
No plants that havent been in the tank already and they are all fake. We have never had snails. Some of the eggs are whiteish and some are kind of pink.
no fish are asexual. It could be that your angel is mature enough to spawn, and has released eggs but there is no male to fertilize them. This happens sometimes. Even two females will attempt to spawn together (without success of course!). The angel will most likely end up eating the eggs if they aren't snail eggs.
So how long do we have to go get a male angel? How can you tell a male from a female? How long before the eggs cant be fertilized?
well the male and the female need to spawn together for it to work BUT you need to think about the babies if you plan on breeding. 1. there will be A LOT 2. You need the tank space for them to properly be raised (what size tank is your angel currently in?) 3. Do you know if your LFS will have room to take the babies you don't want or can't have? Do some research on what goes into breeding angels before you buy a male.

Also, you can't tell the difference between males and females until they start breeding. If you do plan on trying to breed your female, you will need to find a few angels the same size as her and just wait until they pair off. Then you can return the other angels OR house them in a different tank. I say a different tank because a mated pair can be quite aggressive and even kill the other tankmates.

So please please please please please do the research first and ask questions. :D It will prevent a lot of problems and loss of life. Let us know what your decision is. Good luck!
One of the most difficult things to do is introduce new angels to a tank with established angels. Since yours are over a year, even introducing a similarily aged male will more than likely cause problems. It is better to start with juvenile angels and let them form a pair naturally.

There is no danger to your angels if one or both of them are laying eggs without fertilization. The other female will mimick the actions of a male.
They could still be snail eggs. Do you feed live food to the fish?

I have had snail eggs and snails in bags of Daphnia and Bloodworm before.
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