Unable to upload

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 5, 2003
Richmond VA
Even though I have uploaded photos from the same place before, now I can't do it. It acts like it is doing it, and then when I get the message that the upload is complete, I get a completely blank, white screen that says "Done" at the bottom left. The photos are not getting uploaded. I am doing it the same way I did it in the past.

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The link above explains whats going on. I will clear your upload que and you can try again. Try a different image. I have seen it have issues with specific images.

I cant ever up load my pics, cos theyre all too big, its not fair!!

Nor is it fair to have modem users have to wait a minute or more for an image to load. The size limits we have specified are such that they are a happy medium betweeen file size and image quality.
I tried downsizing them, to no avail. The originals in this case are actually smaller than others I have uploaed in the past, so I am at a loss!
Once you get a white page you cant upload any more images till we clear the backlog. Thats why the smaller version didnt work either. your que is not cleared and the smaller one shoudl upload just fine.
Okay, thanks and I will try again. I looked in my gallery and there is a photo in there that is 535kb so I thought I was in good shape. There may have been changes made to the process since I uploaded that one.
It might have been before we upgraded to the newest version of the gallery. It also might have to do with how long it took to upload the file. maybe today the upload took a few seconds longer causing the script to time out. Maybe it took longer to generate the thumbnail and the 640x480 version. If all this takes longer than 45sec then you will get a script timeout and thus the white page.

Coudl also be the particular image itself.

There are many factors that go into it and its almost impossible to know unless im physically stairing at the server display as the upload and script is being executed.
Sorry for posting in the wrong spot! Downsizing the photo did the trick.

At any rate, I was able to upload this time, and thanks for your assistance and the comment you posted! This tank is almost all about the plants now, as you can't hardly even see the fish in my photos. I need some pruning shears...
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