Update discus tank

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 26, 2011
K so today I got rid of my bala sharks from my discus tank. Glad if that. I gave them to the pet store and he said I must come back in a week cause he will have new stock of discus and ima put some in my tank maybe 2 or 1 more. Any advice ?
Oh an it's a 55 gal and trying to find a way to get rid of my African knife for some money for plants
I currently have 2 discus in there quite small an African knife fish about 10cm 2 black mollies a pleco and a corydorah
Yea I'll prob sell the knife to the pet store. So I must get 5-7 more corys? The only thing is my discus are bottom feeders and I feed them tetra granulars (which fall to the bottom) and blood worms which also fall to the bottom. I am afraid f the cores eating all the food before my discus cn get their share. Advice plz
Corys playfulness and antics really come to life when they are in schools. I prefer sterbsai or bronze corys since they seem to handle the heat a little better. Discus are fairly messy eaters and having corys in a tank is a great way to handle any uneaten food.
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Ok thanks.. For the advice so they won't eat all the food
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