Update of Beengirl's 55g reef

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 7, 2012
Added a hammer, some zoas, favia, couple others since last pics.
Here's my YWG, shrimp's still in burrow. Small brain is still trying to recover from angel. New-ish red eye favia. Green finger leather.





Blue chalice has actually had about 1/2 growth over last 1 1/2 months or so! Green Montipora. Tried to get shrimp, but he was being shy. :)


What I think is a brown birdsnest, which has come back from near death after angel was removed. :) oh, and PJ the bangaii.



Thats about it for now!! :) everyone's happy and healthy so far. (fingers crossed)
Nice!! Great tank. Cant wait to see all those frags grow and take over the tank. Also, love the b&w clown!
Thanks guys!! :) it's been so fun!! I LOVE SW!!! I'm excited for the corals the spread some!!
When I got my radioactive trumpet a couple months ago, it had 5 heads. Just noticed that it has 7 now!! :) There's a very small head starting off the middle head. :) I guess my corals are happy. Yea!!!

Ok. So I gave in to my daughter and got a GBTA. It's very pretty, a little bleached (pic makes it look more bleached than it actually is), but hopefully it will color up over time. It was only about 3" at the store, but now that it's in my tank it's HUGE!! Put him at the top, he moved down a little, but has really spread out. Got it at a great price for the size, only $40. I've seen many half the size that cost more, so I'm happy. Hopefully he stays where I can see him. :)



Now we'll see if the b/w clown even notices it. :)
Nu-Nu the eel said:
Looks awesome :) we seem to be in the same boat! :)

Yep!! Here's hoping mine doesn't crawl into a cave and die!! I just cant believe how big this thing got when it expanded!!! Saw that your clown is getting interested in your BTA!! So exciting!!! :) Hope my clown finds mine too. :)
Beengirl said:
Yep!! Here's hoping mine doesn't crawl into a cave and die!! I just cant believe how big this thing got when it expanded!!! Saw that your clown is getting interested in your BTA!! So exciting!!! :) Hope my clown finds mine too. :)

Wow great buy! And ya, i had to give in to Jack just like you gave in to your daughter hahah
Gboy66 said:
Wow great buy! And ya, i had to give in to Jack just like you gave in to your daughter hahah

I think a part of me wanted it too, but I was gonna wait. Then saw the price and size of it, and she talked me into it. :) admit it, you wanted one too, Jack just had to do a little schmoozing. :) lol
Ok, so the nem has moved down just a little, but is still in the front!! Yea!!! Also bought these orange zoos yesterday.



Beengirl said:
Got my Hollywood chalice today!! I love it! It's about 2 1/2" across. :)

Love the chalice that my faveret LPS coral hears a pic of my best one.

Spscoral313 said:
Love the chalice that my faveret LPS coral hears a pic of my best one.

I love it too!! I've been wanting one for a while. They're usually expensive. Finally got one cuz I found this one for only $20!!!! And it's a decent size. :)
Sharkbait54 said:
Is that a 54g corner bf??

It looks amazing what lights are you using?

Thank you so much!! Yes it is a bf. It fits perfectly into this corner niche I had. :) I have a Kessil LED light in ocean blue. I just got some moonlights today, but I need to get 1 more cuz of the odd shape, it doesn't really light up the right side very much. Here it is with the 1 set of moonlights.

Convict2161 said:
Looks really good! Love the corals and love the placement! Nice work!

Thanks!! And you're a tough critic, so that means a lot!! :) Now I just gotta wait for them to grow and spread some. :) Patience, right? I'm not great at that. Lol
Beengirl said:
Thanks!! And you're a tough critic, so that means a lot!! :) Now I just gotta wait for them to grow and spread some. :) Patience, right? I'm not great at that. Lol

Haha yeah I guess I'm a little tough lol or just really honest. I really think you did a great job and you should be really proud of yourself! And yes patience lol you can do it.

It's the best part! It's like watering a beautiful garden all summer, the end result is worth it :)

I have faith in you.

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