updated photos of my coffee table tank

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Apr 5, 2011
just wanted to post some pictures of my tank. it's been set up for almost 2 years and i haven't shown any pictures for a long time. :)







niiiiiice. my lfs has these but my mom says no more tanks :(
Nice Setup! Whats the stock? I only see a couple fish in there.

i have 10 serape tetras, 3x-ray tetras, 1dalmation molly, 2 mickey mouse platys, 7 dwarf gouramis, 2 regular gouramis, 1 flag cichlid, 2 gbrs, 1 south american cat fish, 15 ghost shrimp, and 4 nerite snails. hope i didn't forget anyone. the reason it looks understocked is because it's 56 inches long and 23 inches wide so the fish have a lot of area to swim in and they take advantage of ALL the tank. it's 45 gallons but only 12 inches deep so i can't have any deep bodied fish like angels or discus. that's the only disadvantage i've found. the advantages are many especially for the fish but also for me when it comes to taking care of the tank. easy to work on plants and the top comes off when i have to do water changes and that's every 3rd day so i appreciate that.:flowers:
Sorry, forgot to add my "nice tank" too :)

I've thought about those a few times. How well does the filter system work?

the filter system consists of pvc pipe with holes at the bottom. it's kinda like an undergravel filter. it's powered by 2 power heads that bring the water through the gravel and then through the pipes and back. it took me a long time to cycle this tank (about 2 months) but with the bottom surface i have there is so much gravel surface for bb to grow. this is a carefree system as i have no filter material to change out. i vacuum once a week and it's been good for almost 2 years. my water tests always come out on the money. here's a pic of the tank without water. you can see the pipes. at each end of the tank in the column are the power heads. i think i have pics of them too. the front column holds all the electrical equipment. the lights are under the arms that cross the tank. everything is controlled by five toggle switches. the heater is also controlled from the toggle switches. their is only 1 cord coming from the bottom of the tank.


How much does something like this go for? So I know what I have to save :)
How much does something like this go for? So I know what I have to save :)

the tank itself was about $800.00 and the shipping was $200.00 so around $1,000.00 but you don't need anything extra to set it up except for the gravel, plants and fish and the heater of your choice. it's been a great experience with the tank. very low-tech. easy to maintain and the fish, i think, love all the swimming length. instead of going up and down the fish swim full speed ahead. they have a lot of swimming area as the tank is approximately 56" long and 23" wide. i would say it's a great fish tank.:fish2:
Thank you!! It's such a neat idea. <3 it!!

i forgot to add that this tank is manufactured by a company called aqua vim. if you google their name you can see all the different tanks that they make. this tank is all glass which i like because of the scratches that my acrylic tanks got. they hold the patent on a machine that can bend glass into all sorts of shapes. you'll see that they have many different table aquariums. mine is the oval. they have end tables, other shaped coffee tables, corner tables and so many other cool aquariums. they also have room divider aquariums that are very cool. google them.:)
I want the conference/dining table aquarium that's a beast!
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