Updated Pics of my Planted 20g Long

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 20, 2003
I haven't posted in about a couple months. Been doing other things. Anyways, here's a couple shots of my tank. It's been setup for a little over a year. I DIY'ed the hood myself. It contains (2) 20W T12 fluorescents. Painted white on the inside. I have laterite under the sand and peat moss under that. Looking back I sorta wished I didn't get sand, but oh well I was on a budget. Filter is an Aqua Clear 150 (if I remeber correctly :roll:) and an Ebo Jager 100W keeps the water warm. I have a pre-filter sponge for the sand but don't really think I need it. I just put it there in the begining and it's stayed there. I have Bio rocks(?) that came w/ the AC and a sponge in the filter.

As far as the plants, it's low-tech. Only 2 WPG. No nutrients are added.

I do a weekly water change of about 50% and keep the temperature around 78. I know there's some algae, but everything's healthy :p
I may be getting some shrimp or cories in the near future or an otto, if I can find any.

The background is a black trashbag. I know it looks a little rough, but meh, it works for me.

Fish inhabitants:
1 Dwarf Gourami
6 Black Skirt Tetras


Everybody had to get in on this one didn't they.

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