Upgraded to larger tank but now my fish are 'huddled' at the bottom :(

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 17, 2013
Livingston, Scotland :)
Hi Guys,

After being so hyper about setting up my new tank last night I'm ready to cry this morning, my nosey/ sociable fish are all huddled behind a plant.

I rinsed the tank thoroughly, used all the water from the old tank, the same filter with the foam pads rinsed with the old tank water, unrinsed gravel and decorations, dechlorinated the extra water going in.....

Did I miss something? Did I do something wrong? I'm taking a sample to our local Dobbies today to see if my levels are funky but after adding an extra 35 litres I can't see ammonia sickness being likely.

Oh help :(
Sounds like a good plan.

The water levels are perfect and the fish lady just gave me a hug and told me not to worry too much. On the plus side they have shrimp in stock just now so when everything is back to normal I'll get some in. That'll be exciting :)

I'm starting to wonder if fish keeping attracts neurotic people or if it just makes you this way!

Thanks for the help. X
Sounds like a good plan.

The water levels are perfect and the fish lady just gave me a hug and told me not to worry too much. On the plus side they have shrimp in stock just now so when everything is back to normal I'll get some in. That'll be exciting :)

I'm starting to wonder if fish keeping attracts neurotic people or if it just makes you this way!

Thanks for the help. X

Hahaha! :lol: I think it is a combination of both! Worrying about pets definitely does make you neurotic. I would keep the lights off for a while. It is a rough change for them, just give them time.
When I first got my tank my fish weren't doing much so I was freaking out and moving around the decorations every couple days!:)
I'm starting to wonder if fish keeping attracts neurotic people or if it just makes you this way!


This made me laugh out loud at my desk at work. I wanna make a t-shirt of that quote! Thank you so much. I also get sooooo frustrated at times. :)
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