Upgrading tanks and have questions

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jan 15, 2012
Long Island, New York
Going from 20L to 29 gallon and was wondering what's the best way to do it

I have two clowns

Long nose hawk fish

Long tentacle and Condy anemone

Peppermint camel and cleaner shrimp

Clean up crew

Some Lps Corals

Any help would be appreciated I am trying to do this today lol
If you haven't done it already, I'll tell you how I went from 29 to 55.
First, I put new sand into the 55 and filler partly with old tank water. I then transfered the rocks over but didn't really position then. I moved the 29 out of the way and slid the 55 into position, positioned the rocks, filled the rest of the way with freshly mixed water, and then siphoned out the top 1/4" or so of the old sand bad and spread it around the new tank to help seed the new sand. Caught all the fish and put them in. Cleaned up the mess. Took me a couple hours.
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