Used tank came with fish, have several questions.

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Wow I really should start reading different parts of this forum more often! Great rescue Z! The tank looks gorgeous! I loved the video too, I relaxed just watching it lol
Sad, just found another of my honey gouramis dead. I now have 3 left, little, medium and large. I think the large one must be killing the others. This sucks. :nono:
zparticle said:
Sad, just found another of my honey gouramis dead. I now have 3 left, little, medium and large. I think the large one must be killing the others. This sucks. :nono:

Yeah, Gouramis can be very territorial. Most Dwarf Gouramis that are sold are male. If they are in a heavily planted tank, they may get along better, but perhaps rehome the smaller ones ?
I had a Siamese Algae Eater that I liked but he was getting too big for my 10 gal tank so I took him back to the shop to trade him in for a smaller version. They gave me a Chinese Algae Eater instead of a Siamese and I didn't check it until I dumped it into the tank. It quickly grew larger than the fish it replaced. If I can catch it I will put him up for auction at the fish society meeting this fall. He chases other fish, particularly the Orocincluses.
That looks like a very large Angel Fish. I am guessing about the size of a burger bun.
Yeah the big angle's body is about the size of a burger bun, basically the size of my palm. The CAE I had just had to go, they were way to much stress on the other fish. They were about 6-7 inches long.
Arghhh!!!!! Just found another of my honey gouramis dead. I now have 2 left, the two largest. This is ridiculous, I'm not getting any more of these. Nothing else is dieing and the water and tank conditions are great. :banghead:
Well I haven't lost any more HGs. I needed something to cheer me up today, been a hard week, so I added 5 more blood fin tetras. The entire tank is in an uproar, lol. Everyone is chasing everyone else and pestering each other. It will settle down in a day or two.
Hi, had to jump in and applaud you for rescuing the fish and the tank-good for you! The angel is beautiful! Probably injured by the CAEs. I have never had any luck with more than one gourami at a time. The honey are so pretty but gourami's can be so territorial. I have 2 kissing gourami which I will separate as soon as my new tank is cycled. Do you think I could put an angel in with rainbows? I am starting to make a wish list for the new tank. Keep up the big heart for fish and good luck with the rest of your fish!:fish2:
Hi, had to jump in and applaud you for rescuing the fish and the tank-good for you! The angel is beautiful! Probably injured by the CAEs. I have never had any luck with more than one gourami at a time. The honey are so pretty but gourami's can be so territorial. I have 2 kissing gourami which I will separate as soon as my new tank is cycled. Do you think I could put an angel in with rainbows? I am starting to make a wish list for the new tank. Keep up the big heart for fish and good luck with the rest of your fish!:fish2:

This is from some other web site out there:
Here is a list of tropical fish that are usually compatible with Angel Fish: Silver Dollars, Bigger Tetras such as Black Skirts, Serpaes, and Silver Tips, Corydoras Catfish, Livebearers such as Platies, Swordtails, and Mollies, but not Guppies which may be eaten by Angels, and one Plecostomus Catfish.
Angel Fish are often seen in aquariums withGouramis, Giant Danios, Rainbows, a group of Bala Sharks, and a group of Clown Loaches.
As Angel Fish grow larger, they become very efficient at stalking and eating small fish like Guppies and Neon Tetras. So they are not compatible tank mates for these fish.
That would seem to say you would be okay.
Excellent job on saving the fish and giving them a chance to live a healthy life! I've seen a few pics of tanks for sale on Craigslist over the years and I can't help but shake me head. I remember coming across one that had green water that was so dark you couldn't even see the fish. The heading on that ad was, "Beautiful Tank For Sale". I thought it was a joke at first. lol

By looking at your pics and vids, I couldn't imagine how horrible the tank looked before you got it. I love what you did with the layout! The fish are beautiful too! Especially that huge Angel!

I'm sorry you've had a rough time w/ your new additions. :( I've had a few mysterious deaths in my tank too, (I'm sure everyone has or will at some point), and it's frustrating... no doubt! But honestly, your parameters are fine and your water looks pristine, so I doubt your tank played a role in the deaths.

Anyway, congrats on your tank and thank you for saving the fish! :)
Thanks all. :) Well I've spent some time tonight trying to determine the sex of some of the fish. I am now sure that the two remaining honey gouramis are male and female. I'm also pretty sure I got lucky and the marble angles are male and female as well.

Anyone have suggestions for how to get them to breed? I'd love to have a bunch of little angles for my new tank and some little HGs would be very cool as well.
Thanks all. :) Well I've spent some time tonight trying to determine the sex of some of the fish. I am now sure that the two remaining honey gouramis are male and female. I'm also pretty sure I got lucky and the marble angles are male and female as well.

Anyone have suggestions for how to get them to breed? I'd love to have a bunch of little angles for my new tank and some little HGs would be very cool as well.
It can be pretty hard to sex angels, but hopefully you are right! If the angels are a m/f pair, you don't have to do much to convince them to breed. Just give them a piece of slate and/or a couple of large plants (like the amazon sword) so they can pick where they want to lay eggs and they usually will.
Also, the first couple angel spawns often are eaten. Many tankmates will also eat the egss, so you often have to remove them. My angels will guard the eggs until they hit the wiggler phase, then they will eat all of them if I do not take the eggs/wigglers out.
They have a lot of company in that tank. Is that going to be a problem?

The reason I think they are male and female is one has an obvious hump on the head and the other does not.

Looks like to breed the gouramis I'm going to need a little breeding tank.
They have a lot of company in that tank. Is that going to be a problem?

The reason I think they are male and female is one has an obvious hump on the head and the other does not.

Looks like to breed the gouramis I'm going to need a little breeding tank.
The company will not be a problem as far the angels wanting to breed, but the other fish are likely to eat the eggs/wigglers. Especially if you have any fish that are mainly active at night. The angels usually do a good job protecting the eggs during the day, but they go to "sleep" at night and any other fish who are awake would love some caviar.
im so happy for you seems my 20gal can only keep Platys alive and a tiny pleco thats going into my 90gal
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