using ehfisubstrat

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 29, 2004
Ontario Canada
Thanks for the response to my last post; now I've got another question. I used ehf. in my filter and have a lot left over. Would mixing what's left into the gravel make any difference to my bacteria populations? I was thinking I could put it down where the flow from the filter would pass over it.... or, I can save it all for the next tank... :mrgreen:
I wouldn't mix it with the gravel. They usually give you moren than you'll need
I would not mix it, either. Just hold onto it. At some point WAY down the line you may need to add to what you are using now, or you will have another filter (as you accumulate tanks, *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*) that you might want to use it for more bio-surface.
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