Vacation mess.

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 13, 2013
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Was gone for a week. Got home fish were defineatly overfed. Found a test tube broke so doing my tests now slowly. Did 50% water change. 3 fish died and fish store wouldn't take balsa shark (catfish) back so he is back in the tank. Sadly. Can't remember name of the fish but he is normally dark red with a black spot. Now white. Any help?

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Cleaning Up Your Tank

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Was gone for a week. Got home fish were defineatly overfed. Found a test tube broke so doing my tests now slowly. Did 50% water change. 3 fish died and fish store wouldn't take balsa shark (catfish) back so he is back in the tank. Sadly. Can't remember name of the fish but he is normally dark red with a black spot. Now white. Any help?

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Hello J...

Cleanup should be relatively easy. You're changing a lot of water, that's good. Good reason to start an aggressive water change routine from now on, so the plants and fish will stay healthy. Change half the water every week and keep the food to a little every two to three days. Include vacuuming the bottom material, to remove uneaten food. These should get the chemistry back into the safe zone pretty quickly.

I read online stress could change his color. He was apart of a school of 4 and now he is the only one left. Would it stress him out more to change the water more often until it's clear? I am horrible at vacuuming the gravel. Like BAD. I get more water then dirt lol. I usually change it once a week as is but those pictures are after the water change.

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I don't think the water changes would stress him out more, but I think it would improve his conditions. You want the water to be in livable condition for the fish, and it looks like the water is very cloudy still, despite the water change you've done. How are the parameters? If the ammonia and nitrite are high, I would definitely change the water until the ammonia and nitrite are gone, even if it means changing the water several times in one day. I hope your fish will do alright FAST! :)
I haven't checked this morning I am making sure I don't have to turn my homework in before noon before I mess with the tank.

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Ammonia-8ppm at the least. Nitrate-0ppm. I only have 2 tops and 3 tubes. I am doing Nitrite and and ph-7.2. It's more green then blue.

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Ouch. How your fish isn't dead, I'm not sure! A trooper for sure! You will need to do at least 4 50% water changes ASAP. This is if it's at only 8ppm.
I didn't get the notice that you replied!! My pH was high too so I put the pH fixer tablet and the ammonia safe tablet in my tank about 45 minutes after I checked everything. Then just did another 50% water change before the kids went to bed. (Tank is in their room). Went in to check on everyone and he is noticeably gaining back his color. Haven't checked the parameters yet either. Pictures and parameters will have to wait till the morning. But he was shiny again by 6 and is gaining some red in his tail area again!! The Cory's and the catfish/shark thing are looking great though. No noticeable problems with them. If anything they almost doubled in size!!

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My tetra is FINALLY getting his color back. I have been doing 50% water changes everyday for almost a week now and my ammonia yesterday was still at 8.0 and nitrate was at 60ish. So I put another tablet in and am checking it now. Waiting for my 5 minutes to be up. But my water still stinks but not as bad. The room doesn't reek of the smell anymore. Thank God. Will post pictures later.

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Finally got new pictures. Had too slip away from my heathens. I have to clean it after dinner and before y kids goto bed. Hopefully it gets done today I till have a ton of stuff I have to get done.
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Can anyone tell me why I got bubbles like this?

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There was a lot more but I haven't been able to get pics because of finals and my baby.

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