Veggy clip.

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 25, 2003
How to train fishes to eat vegetables from veggy clip? I tried a lot of times with marine green seaweeds (nori), but they don't dare to get near the clip. Is it because their size are too small? My largest fish is the flame angel. Or is it because they don't like this kind of food? BTW what kind of veggy are suitable for fishes like damsels, clown, flame angel, green wrasse? Hmm broccoli? Lettuce? Or maybe cucumber? Hmm one last question, if I were to feed broccoli and cucumber, how do I place it in water? Should broccoli be pinch into tiny pieces (pellets size) or should I cut a small piece and place it into the tank and let fishes nip? And what about cucumber? Cut into tiny pieces? But uncook cucumber are very hard, how are fishes going to eat them?
what kind of veggy are suitable for fishes like damsels, clown, flame angel, green wrasse?

Nothing land based. If it grows on the land it should not be feed to our saltwater buddies on a regular basis. Those veggies dont ahve the nutrients that the fish need.

When I fed nori the first time most of my fish ignored it for a while. Eventually they figured out that the stuff I was putting in the tank on a regular basis was a good thing and now they attack the sheet like its their final meal.

Take a sheet thats about 3"X4" and fold it up a few times and then clip it in the clip and this should make it last longer before it disolves and falls apart.
well i know in fw you had to boil them in water for a bit. but for sw i do not think most people feed them vegetables. most people feed them nori.
My Yellow Tang finally ate from the clip last night. The sheet was in the clip more than 24 hrs before he finally ate it. When I got up this morning it was finally gone.

If they won't eat from the clip try wedging the sheets between rock or use a rubber band to attach it to the rock.

Some fish are not use to eating things that are flapping on the side of the tank I guess.
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