Aquarium Advice Freak
my husband and I really would like to get a bigger tank. I'm thinking a 36gal or 46gal. I'm also debating between having a freshwater community tank or cichlid tank. Any thoughts or suggestions? thanks!
I'm running a lake malawi cichlid tank now in my 55. They are probably some of the most colorful and active fish you can find. BUT you need to research til your eyes fall out or face a mess of trouble later.
I did not stock my tank appropriately so now I will be rehoming several and trying to get a proper ratio of male/females. I also mixed some haps with my mbuna's which is usually a no no but i have had zero issues. Probably cause I'm a bit oversotcked so it keeps the aggression down.
But definitely research that would be my first and most important suggestion.
I'm sorry, but cichlids are not brackish fish. Some found in rivers may wonder in to brackish territory, but they are certainly not brackish.Cichlids are a slightly brackish but mostly freshwater fish.