Want to start a tank, looking for advice.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 25, 2008
Ok, I work at a pet store, and after not knowing anything about fish, i have decided to get a tank going so I can properly advise people at the shop that have questions.

We only carry freshwater fish, and as I have a very nice discount (Wholesale +10%) I figured this would be a cheaper way of learning this, for my enjoyment and the ability to help customers.

I want to start a cold water tank, this much I know. So here I will list the fish that we have that are cold water and able to cohab, (Please bear with me, I am going off of my sheet from work, and have no idea if these are factual or not.)

Ok, so.

Black moor
fantail goldfish
ornada goldfish
ryukin goldfish
lionhead gold fish
Fancy comets
blue channel cat
gold channel cat
weather loach

Those are the fish that I am interested in. Which according to the sheet, are all cold water and cohabitable.

my questions are as follows.

Which of these fish stay on the smaller side (Under say 4")
Which of these fish may be cohabbed ?
do any of these fish require special care?
do any of these fish require more than 1 of each type, as in a school or mate?

Which of these fish will cohab with the channel cats?

I am most interested in the channel cats, and i do like the loaches, so which fish will cohab with the Channel cats?

thanks loads.
Hi Piemur

Welcome to AA

I've never heard of a channel cat, but a quick Google told me that the world record blue channel cat was 58" long and 44" around. I'd say that's a wee more than the 4 inches you're looking for :) (Man, that was a biiiiig fish!)

As for goldfish, all types can live harmoniously as far as I know. A friend of mine always recommends separating the fantails from the comets. This is only because the comets are very fast swimmers and the fantails are not, so during feeding times, the fantails hardly get a look-in.

Be aware that goldfish are quite messy (they poop a lot!) so regular tank maintenance is a must. An adult goldfish will get to between 6 and 12 inches. I'm not sure of any fish on your list that stay small. Maybe others know and can add their input.

I suggest you read though this website which has a lot of info, as well as busts a few goldfish myths.

Robyn's Goldfish Page

Also, since you are new to fish-keeping, you need to read up on tank cycling and the nitrogen cycle. Check out the sticky posts and the articles for info on this. It's important stuff. If you have more questions, and no doubt you will, feel free to post them.

And good for you for wanting to be educated so that you can pass on that knowledge to others at work!
Which of these fish stay on the smaller side (Under say 4")
Which of these fish may be cohabbed ?
do any of these fish require special care?
do any of these fish require more than 1 of each type, as in a school or mate?

Which of these fish will cohab with the channel cats?

I am most interested in the channel cats, and i do like the loaches, so which fish will cohab with the Channel cats?

Channel Catfish get feet long. I hope your pet store doesn't sell those because I don't know of many people that can properly house these. They should NOT be sold in the aquarium hobby. They are one of the many fish that shouldn't be sold.

So, unless you are going to get a huge tank of several hundred gallons, cross them off the list.

As far as which ones stay less than 4", I think the snails would be the only ones on the list. :D

Most fancy goldfish get atleast 6" and as much as 8". Comets get over a foot. Weather Loaches get around 8".

The rule of thumb for goldfish (excluding comets) is 10g per goldfish, although it would be best to start with 20g for 1, 30 for 2, and so on. So if you want a nice mix and maybe some Weather Loaches, you are looking at around a 50+ gallon tank. I would not put Weather Loaches in anything less than 55g personally. They need space and you need more than 1. In a 55g tank, you'd be able to keep 4-5 Goldfish in it. Obviously if you want more, then you'll need an even larger tank.

The Goldfish should be fine with the Weather Loaches and as far as I know, the fancies are all fine together.

The only special care would be sand for the Weather Loaches. Its not required, but they like to hide in the substrate and sand would be the best for them. You want to have a lot of filtration since Goldfish are dirty fish.

Weather loaches need a group.....I would have atleast 3.

Forget the Channel Cats. ;)
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