WANTED : Frags for sale

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 16, 2005
Fort lauderdale, FL
**just wanted to apologize, i originally posted in the Barter/Trade section, but it really is suited in this forum. If a moderator can please delete my thread in that forum, thatd be great.-

im hoping to find someone local that hopefully can sell me a few frags for a decent price, im interested in anything, but ill definately nab up any polyps, leathers, beginner corals.

I cant justify paying 40-60$ a coral at my local LFS(actually 5-6 stores of them at those prices about)

So if you got anything, or even perhaps anywhere in FL, im sure Priority mail shipping would be ok, should arrive in 1 day or so.

Thanks in advance guys!

Jay D
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