Wanting to start my first SW tank

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 25, 2012
Reno, NV
I have always found salt water tanks to be so beautiful and amazing but have not attempted one yet. Im about to be moving one of my turtles thats currently in a 20g into a 75g and thought I could start off small and turn the 20g in a SW tank. I was thinking of getting a clown fish with an anemone but not sure what other things I can put into the tank with it. what would you guys suggest for a SW novice like myself?
I got a 9 gallon nano reef and it is quiet hard work but if you keep on top of everything it can get easier but I am limited on fish my biggest problem is keeping the salinity right but I got some fairly hardy corals and fish so they are forgiving :) I think a 20 would be okay
IMO starting with a 30 gallon minimum or larger you'll have a better chance of succeeding. In a small system if something goes wrong it happens faster in a smaller system. A anemone needs a mature system of about one year. I use this site for research Saltwater Fish: Marine Aquarium Fish for Saltwater Aquariums.

Yea i've been doing some research and read about the bigger the tank the easier so I think I will end up going with a 55g when I start and I wont be starting this tank for at least a couple months so I have time to make sure I do everything right
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