Watchman Goby and Peppermint Shrimp Compatability

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 10, 2005

Last few feedings, my Goby has attacked the peppermint shrimp when the shrimp came out of the rocks to get some food. I thought for sure he was going to get him this time, but the shrimp was fast enough to go back into the rocks. The Goby actually tried several angles to get into the rocks and get him, but wasn't able to.

Is this normal behaviour? It's funny how the goby bonds with the pistol shrimp but hates the peppermint. I'm afraid one day I'll look and the peppermint will not be roaming around any longer.

Also, this Goby has gotten quite large. To take a guess he's almost 4 inches long. In a 46-gallon tank, he thinks he owns the joint. Fights with food with my clownfish all the time, but the clown is aggressive enough to stand his ground. Non-feeding times, they swim right next to each other without any fighting.
Hmmm, those gobys tend to be peaceful. Is it possible the shrimp is near the goby's fav spot?
It was on the opposite side of the tank as where the Goby and Pistol mainly hangout. The peppermint hangs out on the right side, Goby and Pistol on the left. My goby is nuts I think. He tries to eat the spots of coralline on the glass during feeding time also. Maybe I need to get him some glasses?

I thought they were supposed to be peaceful also...
I have a goby and two pep shrimps, but they don't bother eachother. How long have they been in there, together?
I think the Goby has been in there since July, and the Peppermint shrimp about 6 months before him.
My peps hang out under a rock, not even the damsels bother them. Do you have a good hiding place for him, or possibly add another one? Mine don't even come out when I feed, they hang there and wait for food to come to them.
Thanks Roka for all the replies. Yea, my Peppermint has lots of places to hide. He is pretty social and comes out sometimes during feedings... I used to feed him by hand a while back. Now he hides quite often, don't see him as much. I really should get him a playmate, that's a good idea.
Sounds like a good idea, safety in numbers!
i just wanted to add that my watchman is the same way! if anybody enters "his" lil area, he gets em! the pepermint shrimp is always over there but only when he gets too close, does the goby attack... he killed my maroon clown even!
Food will tend to bring out the "worst" in most fish. Even the most peaceful can become territorial at feeding time. The watchman goby is very good at protecting its home so if the peppermint follows food close to the goby's territory, I can see how this would happen. I do not thing the goby will actually hurt the shrimp, just being a bully. I have three in on of my tanks with a yellow watchman and they get along fine.

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