Water Change Question _ help settle an arguement

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 11, 2004
New Jersey
When I change the water, lets say 10% or 7 gallons, when do you treat the water? After you add it to the tank or prior?
Either one - I have seen not a bit of difference doing it one way or the other. I personally add the dechlor as I am filling with my Python, but I have forgotten until the tank is full and I add it right afterwards with no ill effects, especially when you are talking about only 10% water changes. I do 50% changes once a week.
I treat my water with Seachem's Prime before I add it to the tank. If you treat the water after it is added to the tank you need to make sure you add enough dechlorinator for the entire volume of the tank and not just the amount of water you changed.
You may think it doesnt make a difference but it does. That chlorine in the water kills the bacteria and effects the fish. Sure it might only be for a few minutes or so but it does have an effect.

Lets suppose You took a shower and we just add alittle battery acid to it the first few minutes everytime you took one. Do you think after awhile it would effect your skin? hair? It just might.
makes a big diff....
Add your chemicals BEFORE...

Think if us salt guys didn't do that... We'd have TONS of issues.. .And your brackish fish are just as touchy as the salt fish...
Okay, your results may vary, just relaying my own experience - :)

I don't have illness or unexplained deaths in my tanks, I raise fry in community setups, and I still do it this way, so I'm comfortable with it. Go with what works for you - there are many different ways to achieve good results in this hobby.
I have been told by many breeders and have tested this my self...

If you do ONLY weekly water changes and change less than 20% you do not have to dechlorinate. I'll probally get bashed for this but again I have never had ANY ill affects from doing this.

Its your choice...I somtimes add before and somtimes after if it is indeed larger than 10%.
I'll take the opportunity to throw in another variable: your municipal water utility. Sometimes, my parent's water on Long Island has so much chlorine added, you can smell it from the tap. I never noticed this in my NYC water.

Just for the record, I add the dechlor right before I start adding water.
I agree its your choice :) you can dechlorinate before and not subject the bacteria and fish to a bath in a mild chlorine solution. Or you can just let happen what ever happens.

Anyhow if you LOVE your fish put the stuff in before you add the water :lol:
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