Water change

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 28, 2012
I have a 55 gal tank with 8 fish and 2 Pleco and 2 Corey cats,When I do a water change should I also clean the gravel or leave It dirty for all those cleaner fish?
Water Changes

I have a 55 gal tank with 8 fish and 2 Pleco and 2 Corey cats,When I do a water change should I also clean the gravel or leave It dirty for all those cleaner fish?

Hello M...

The purpose of the water change is to remove dissolved toxins from the tank. If your tank isn't heavily planted, then you should vacuum the gravel where possible, to remove the waste that accumulates in the gravel. Your bottom feeders aren't interested in eating waste products, only good food that falls to the bottom.

How much extra food would you put in the tank for that many bottom feeders.
They are scavengers. Other than supplementing with algae wafers and veggies, you don't really have to feed them.

What species of pleco are they?
If you don't know what they are, how do you know you're providing them with the care they need?

It's your job to do research and know what you're stocking in your tank. Otherwise, you maybe in for a rude awakening with aggression, stocking, environmental, size and even more issues.

Can you post a photo? We'll help ID.
How long have you had the plecos? If not long make sure to keep an eye on them because (and correct me if I'm wrong) you have Africans as well in the tank.
African cichlids and plecos do not co-exist in the wild. Herein lies a potential problem. If your African cichlids are tank-raised, your chances of an aggressive confrontation with plecos is lowered. However, larger, wild-caught Africans may not be as accepting of a pleco.
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