Water Change

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 5, 2004
Phoenix AZ
When you do a water change and add a dechlorinator(sp), do you have to wait before you add that water back to the tank? If you are supposed to wait, how long?
Some people check their nitrate levels and gauge when to make their water changes when the nitrate level gets around 5 or 10. Most people I know just do a weekly gravel vac which also takes care of your water change once a week whether it needs it or not. I use a python, so when I am adding water to the tank, I usually pour in the dechlor and then point the hose where the dechlor is. If you mix your dechlor into your water in a bucket before adding it to the tank, as long as the temp is good you can add it to the tank immediately.
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