water change

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 12, 2005
i'm doing a partial water change every 10 to 14 days...is this too often? my water begins to cloud about 7 to 10 days after i do the change...all my water levels are fine...i think i'm going to get a second aqua clear 110 power filter, as my fish are pretty messy :)
i do a change at least once every 7 days
IMO it keeps the environment changing, i feel that a river never runs the same water twice, so i like to keep the fresh water coming at constant intervals..also i've found that my barras grow better with a changing environment.
I do a 15-25% once a week. If the water level gets too low before that time, I simply top it off.
30% EW for me. Your cloudy water is from something else, not changing your water too much
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