Water Changes and Using Kitchen Sink

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 14, 2008
My wife has her mind set on thinking if I wash my hands in the kitchen sink after putting my hands in the tank, it's going to give us humans serious diseases because we eventually wash our dishes there.

While I know I'll never win the battle with the wife, for my own good, is there really anything other than the rare fish TB that I need to worry about????? My tank has been healthy for 4 years. The fish (chiclids) are breeding and plants are growing.

I change the water twice a week with a line that siphons directly to my air condioner condensate drain....and then a line directly from a faucet to the tank to refill. So we're not even talking about gallons of water in the kitchen sink. I probably have to put my hands in the tank twice a month as they sometimes trap themselves underneath shells.
I've used a Python to change my tank water via the kitchen sink and the faucet for years. I also clean my filters and do all other tank maintenance there. I've never heard of anyone catching anything from their fish. Even the fish version of TB is not dangerous to people. If you had an open cut on your hand a minor infection at that site would be the worst you would see. Fish are certainly no "dirtier" than any other pet, houseplant or other people, for that matter.

Certainly cleaning the sink with a cleaner containing bleach would take care of any living thing that might be on the surface if you or your wife had any doubts.
I do all of my "Fish tank work" in the kitchen sink and rinse it afterward. No biggie, I think.

If you pet your dog and then eat a cookie you are going to get more exposure to germs and and bacteria, I believe.
Honestly, fish water in the sink should be the least of your worries. Raw meat and juices are more hazardous. I recently watched a gross segment on the news about ladies' purses (or anything you put down on the ground in a restroom). The amount of bacteria on the bottoms of purses and shoes is disgusting; however, people rarely get sick from it. Just tell your wife not to lick the bottom of her purse and spray the sink with diluted bleach solution after cleaning meat in the sink.
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