Water Parameters need feedback

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 18, 2013
I finally got me a testing kit and i need feedback on them. Got a question about the pH and the Nitrate. Here are the parameters in my 5 gallon Fluval View

pH = 7.2
Ammonia = 0 ppm
Nitrite = 0 ppm
Nitrate = 80 ppm

My fish are glofish, platy, tetra, and small pleco. No live plants (yet) and one piece of driftwood bought at lfs. I was wondering if my pH and Nitrate are too high and how to fix that.
The pH is fine. Don't mess with it. The nitrate is quite high. Ideally you want it to be 20ppm or less. Over the next few days do some 50% water changes to help reduce it.
that ph is fine, dont try to change it, fish prefer a stable PH versus a changing one. the nitrates are high though, you may want to do a 50% water change and that will bring it down to 40ppm, then either wait an hour or do it the next day and do another 50% so that will bring down to 20ppm and so on...under 20ppm is considered safe for nitrates

also that pleco regardless of type will be much to big for a 5 gallon tank, id suggest taking it back unless you plan to upgrade to something bigger in the near future, he/she is probably the biggest producer of the nitrates anyways since they have a huge bioload. How many glofish, platy, and tetra do you have?
I have 7 glofish : (, 1 platy, 1 tetra, and the pleco.. i didnt know i was overcrowding when i got them months ago
IMO it is overstocked, and if you are set on keeping them all (id get rid of the pleco and tetra since they are schooling fish, and im sure he is stressed being by him/her self and by rid i mean back to a LFS.) you will just have to do more frequent water changes, how much water and how many times a week will depend on the nitrate levels.
well i am possibly soon getting a 20 gallon so i might wait a little bit. might at least bring the tetra back.
what would i use to kinda eat algea in the 5 gallon if i move the pleco. Thats not why i got him because he is my favorite fish, but should i get some snails or cories or somethin?
in the 5 gallon tank, the best way to prevent algae is to simply reduce the amount of time it is exposed to light, 6-8 hours a day should be fine.

i can understand the pleco being your favorite they are very nice fish, do you happen to know what type? hopefully its not a common pleco because they will grow too massive for even a 20 gallon, i believe those require at least a 75 gallon tank.

however if you want to replace the pleco with something else id go with snails, corys also need to be in a school of at least 5 to be happy.
Its this guy right here, I think it is a common. hes about 2 1/2 inches.


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Ok thanks for the suggestion but I dont know if i've ever seen one yet. I'll have to research em

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