Water seems to finally be in good condition! Yay!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 31, 2006
So I did another water test last night and to my joy the water seems to have gotten a lot better since my system last crashed about a month ago.
Since most of my fish died I havn't even attempted to buy more and just concentrate on getting the water permamiters in check, growing my almost dead plants and getting rid of my beard/hair algea

PH 8 a little high but has been steady here for over two weeks
Ammonia 0ppm
Nitrite 0ppm
Nitrate 20ppm

And the Beard/Hair algea is noticably disappearing probably thanks to my SAE's and Ammano shrimp.

I've been doing PWC at about 25%. Anyone with opinions on wether I should slowly start to add new fish or should I stick to adding plants and waiting to see if I can hold these water Permitters for a while longer?
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