Weird goldfish behaviour

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 5, 2013
Melbourne, Australia
One of the fancy goldfish in my interim 40gal tank, Goldie, has started to continually chase Mr Stripes around and nudge him. Mr Stripes is about 3 times bigger but months younger; I rescued Goldie and think he is a bit stunted. Both fish aren't more than several months old.

I can see the chasing and nudging Mr Stripes' bottom, is doing his head in.

Can it be breeding behaviour at this age?

Water parameters fine, but I have a continual struggle to keep the pH above 6.4.

What could be going on?

Should I get one of those little breeding nets to put Goldie in for time out?

Any advice welcome, as I feel sorry for Mr Stripes who is a sweet, gentle giant.

Pics below

Goldie first pic


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Hi Roz! Is this behavior constant or only associated with feeding times? If both fish came from a lfs, don't underestimate their age as they are likely older than you may think. If the one fish is being unduly harassed or stressed, it may be time to give the harasser a time out (likely a few) until he settles down a bit. I would not use any type of netting but something made of rigid plastic mesh (such as a pasta colander or a small laundry type basket). You can set this in the top of the tank but just keep an eye on him when he is in there. Hope this helps a bit!

Goldie only behaves like this sporadically, and not just restricted to feeding time.

Regarding their age, they were so tiny when I got them, that I had assumed they were quite young.

I'll get a plastic mesh thing (perhaps a peg basket), which might work? Will keep an eye out, as I hate to see Mr Stripes harassed :-(

Thank you very much for your help :)
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