What Algae Eaters with Tiger Barbs?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 12, 2012

I have a 20 gallon medium planted tank with 7 Tiger Barbs (5 Orange 2 Green), and 5 Broken Line Tetras. I have a little bit of algae in the tank, and wondering if there's an algae eater I can add to this mix that won't get bullied by the Tigers, but won't overdo my bioload. I'm using a new 20 gallon Aqueon HOB.

From what I see, the Tiger's will probably harass most species, and adding a school of Oto's could put my bioload too high. The Tigers do not harass the Tetras.

Any suggestions?
Apple Snails are a good algae eater. They don't populate very often and need a mate.

You can also do albino bristle nose. They care for themselves very well. But a strong bioload
I would go with the snail, with the other fish I think you would overload with a pleco.
Careful though-tiger barbs like to pick on snails. Make sure they're big enough so the barbs can't kill it.
Snail feasting is a concern. 2 weeks ago I fed them on a Friday morning and left until Sunday afternoon. When I got back, I only had 7 and 1/3 of a Tiger Barb. Nothing else before or since then.

I think I'll give Apple Snails a try. Just one?
Went to LFS and asked if they had Apple Snails. He looked at me with a sinister face and said "Apple Snails are illegal, sir."

Appreciate your help on that one...

I ended up with 4 Tiger Nerite Snails
chasetopher said:
Went to LFS and asked if they had Apple Snails. He looked at me with a sinister face and said "Apple Snails are illegal, sir."

Appreciate your help on that one...

I ended up with 4 Tiger Nerite Snails

Apple snails...illegal? Whaaat? I did not know that. Are you in the united states?

Edit-did some research-they are illegal lol. Sorry about that :(
It's all good. Funny now. But fish guy gave me the look like I was undercover trying to purchase some hot merchandise. Thanks for the suggestion. The are scrubbing away.
Did a little research and found this:

Mystery and apple is used to describe many types of snail--but the most common is Pomacea diffusa which is still legal to own and trade in all states. Many other plant eating snails are considered invassive and cannot be traded between states, but can still be owned in most.

Are Golden Mystery Snails illegal to own? [Archive] - Aquaria Central

Under current Federal Law it is not legal to ship snails across state borders without a special federal permit for each state. The cost of the permits is so high that it precludes shipping snails.

Apple Snails for Sale at AquariumFish.net.

Pomacea bridgesii “mystery snail”- these snails are not plant eaters but REQUIRE permits to sell across state lines. Make sure your seller has these permits PLEASE! It is ONLY legal to sell the snails, it is ALWAYS illegal to sell the eggs. Edit: No longer illegal to ship without permits.
Malaysian Trumpet Snails- no restrictions
Common ramshorns- no legal restrictions
Common pond/tadpole snails- no legal restrictions
Anatome Helena “assassin snails”- no current restrictions
Nerites- no current restrictions, although there are some state by state broad-based import laws
Japanese Trapdoors- not restricted
Asolene spixi “zebra apple”- these are banned from transport. These snails lay their eggs in clutches UNDER the water line, can interbreed with Columbian ramshorns and often eat plants as juveniles, even when not a mixed species.
Marisa Cornuarietis “Columbian ramshorn”- Banned from transport.
Pomacea canaliculata “channeled apple snail”- banned from transport
Pomacea haustrum “triton apple snail”- banned from transport
Pomacea paludosa “Florida apple snail, flapple”- banned from transport
These are just the most commonly seen; there are hundreds of apple snail species.

Illegal to ship certain snails across state lines - Tropical Fish Forums at the Age of Aquariums
Illegal to ship them over state lines. If you somehow have them, they can be legal.
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