What are some fish for a coldwater 10 gallon aquarium

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 21, 2018
I want to set up a tank and want it to be coldwater. I have researhed a little myself but I want another opinion until I make my final decision on what to put in the tank.
I was thinking about thw white cloud, but they arent really pretty. Could I possibly put in a few cherry barbs.
I was thinking about thw white cloud, but they arent really pretty. Could I possibly put in a few cherry barbs.

Did you look at 24k gold white cloud minnows? I think they are prettier then regular white clouds. Cold water is going to be a little tough to do in such a small tank. Ive been looking up fish for you but based on their needs and sizes they just wont work in a small tank.Also how cold are we talking and why have you chosen cold water fish?
Would suggest American Flagfish based on their color and temp requirements (66-86 °F / 18-30 °C) but they should be in tanks 20g and up.
I want to set up a tank and want it to be coldwater. I have researhed a little myself but I want another opinion until I make my final decision on what to put in the tank.

Hello Aus...

I keep some Rose Red Minnows also called Fathead Minnows with Guppies and Comets in a small 29 gallon tank. They don't care if the water is a bit cooler.
So, I don't have a heater in the tank.

There are also long finned WCMM. Sometimes referred to as Meteor minnows. WCMM are actually some of the most beautiful fish when in a tank which has lots of plants for them to play through and as they mature they become gorgeous. If you do buy them, make sure not to get the feeder fish cheaper ones as they will not be as well bred /selected as the "pet" variety. They get more colorful as they mature.

How cold do you anticipate the temp would go down to through the cold parts of the year, winter and or if the AC is on in summer.

Often people will keep a heater at a lower/minimum temp for the cold/cool water fish. Just to be sure that it doesn't get too chilly for the marginally cool water fish.


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